Sunday, November 30, 2008

Shadow World: Resurgent Russia, The Global New Left, and Radical Islam

A great review by Janet Levy of Shadow World: Resurgent Russia, The Global New Left, and Radical Islam By Robert Chandler

This is a must read....

The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 is viewed by the West as the end of the Cold War and the death knell for Communism. In reality, Communists continued to push for the same ultimate goal -- creating a socialist world order -- but their violent Marxist-Leninist revolutionary tactics were supplanted by an insidious cultural Marxism. Today, that push has evolved into a Moscow-led, global strategic quadrangle consisting of Russia, China, Iran and a collection of Latin American dictatorships.

The West is also threatened by a fifth column of global, radical Leftists with ideological connections to Russia and the theo-political-legal ideology of radical Islam. All of these antagonists, including the Russians, cultural Marxists and Salafists/Wahhabists, employ terrorist tactics but largely conceal their agendas. They use clandestine strategies of propaganda, disinformation, subversion and denial through their agents of influence and networks of organizations.

Read it all here

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